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اختبار لغة انجليزية

Welcome to your اختبار لغة انجليزية

اكتب الاسم الثلاثي :

اكتب تاريخ اليوم :

العنوان :

البريد الالكتروني :

Other languages you speak?

Are reading and writing easy or difficult for you?

Other languages you read and write?

What do you write in your language (emails, stories, content, or others...?

How long have you studied English?

Why do you want to learn English?

How did you learn to read and write?

years of education

Rate from difficult to easy about:

Understanding is...    
speaking is…  
reading is…  
writing is..

Write a personal profile about yourself for a website where you can meet new Internet friends. You should answer these questions: -What is your name, age, etc?  -Where you are from, and what do you do? -What do you look like, and what sort of person are you? - What are your interests and your likes/dislikes? - What sort of new friends do you want to meet?

Write an article discussing whether you think our world is getting better or getting worse. You can use your own ideas, but you might like to include some of these issues: -medicine, scientific research, technology -war, conflict between countries/groups -freedom and human rights -education, knowledge and skills -quality of life

What’s your name? How do you spell it? What is your home town or city? Do (or did) you like living there? Is it: – big? – beautiful? – noisy? – clean? What job do you do (or want to do)? When did (or will) you start working? Why did (or do) you want to do this job?

ارفع ملف فيديو هنا :
ملاحظة : لا يشترط اظهار وجهك في الفيديو .

What’s the weather like today? Which is your favourite season? What is the weather like then? What weather makes you feel happy/sad/etc? How much exercise do you do? Is exercise important? Why (not)? Do you like playing/watching sports? What sports do you like playing/watching?

ارفع ملف فيديو هنا :
ملاحظة : لا يشترط اظهار وجهك في الفيديو .

Do you often use computers, mp3 players, games consoles, etc? What do you mainly use the Internet for? What problems can computers/etc cause? What languages do you speak? Is it important to speak several languages? Why(not)? Is it a good or bad thing that most people in the world learn English?

ارفع ملف فيديو هنا :
ملاحظة : لا يشترط اظهار وجهك في الفيديو .

Is crime a problem in this (or your) country? What can be done to reduce crime? Are the laws in this (or your) country generally too strict, or not strict enough? What sort of career do you want? What do you want most from it (, creativity, etc)? Should a career be the most important thing in someone’s life?

ارفع ملف فيديو هنا :
ملاحظة : لا يشترط اظهار وجهك في الفيديو .

How do we affect nature (e.g. rainforests)? How does nature affect us (e.g.floods)? Will problems such as pollution or endangered species ever be solved? Do you often mix with people from a different culture to yours? Do you like or dislike this? What are the benefits and/or problems of a multicultural society?

ارفع ملف فيديو هنا :
ملاحظة : لا يشترط اظهار وجهك في الفيديو .

اي دورة تود ان تسجل بها ؟

اترك تعليقاً

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